Monday, April 18, 2011

Boston with Love

In December we welcomed our first “dusting” of the season and 6:30AM on April 18th seemed further away with each additional inch Mother Nature “blessed” us with in Boston this winter.  With EVERY (not exaggerating) training run this marathon season, I was introduced to most if not all of the extreme running factors one will experience while training during a NE Winter: oversized DOT plow trucks releasing salt at 60mph, icicle ponytails, HEADWINDS, blizzard Saturdays (long runs), Windy Tuesdays (hill runs), bruised bum from falling on a sheet of ice, sore ankles from “dashing through the snow”, etc.  Clearly the elements didn’t kill me, they made me STRONGER!! 

We were well over due for a PERFECT RUNNING DAY and the conditions we had on Monday were textbook for The Boston Marathon-Low of 40, High of 63, Sunny with some fluffy clouds, and Gusts coming from SW…TAILWINDS! 

What I loved about the race this year:  Along with the Tailwinds, I loved how Adidas and the BAA showered the course with motivation!  As we entered each town, we were greeted with a massive green billboard expressing an inspirational word that brought chills and determination to all!

hopkinton with excitement
ashland with stride
framingham with confidence
natick with nerve
wellesley with screams
newton with grit
brookline with ambition
boston with swagger

What I disliked:  The poor dilution of the Gatorade powder at mile 22.  Made my stomach queasy, had to walk it off!

Mission Accomplished:  I crossed the finish line with a SMILE again, and 25 minutes earlier than last time!!  CLICK HERE! (click 'player' for a simulation of my run) 

Advice for others:  Write your name wherever you can—having complete strangers yell out “GO LIZ GO” or chant “LIZZO!  LIZZO! LIZZO!” really pushed me when I needed it most.

Biggest difference between 2009 and 2011: Michelle Santoro and Stephanie Siclari-it just was not the same without you!!! 

What I craved most after burning 2,579 calories: As if you didn't know-Pizza and Beer!  Immediately satisfied...times 5!

Days it took to recover: 1 for the hangover, 2 for the race.

Something I didn't plan: The endorphins messing with my normal brain activity--2 parking tickets within 2 hours!  Probably just stupidity?!  Stay tuned to see if the city accepts my appeal(s) :)

Now that it’s over, what is next:  New York?  BOSTON 2012??!  I am curious to see if I can set a qualifying goal for the future…

Top 10 (mainly non-running) Things I can’t wait to do now that training is over:

  1. Visit Courteney and Dave in NYC
  2. Grey’s Anatomy on Thursday Nights with Shannon
  3. Help JP with his homework (jk!)
  4. Take more pictures—of things other than marathon food!
  5. Sign up for classes!
  6. Marco Island in July with my mom—JUST MY MOM!
  7. Enjoy the Spring and Summer on the roof deck with great friends!
  8. Long walks with Paisley—before I start her running in the fall!
  9. Long walks in general!
  10. Setting another PR…next April ;)

Race Day PROOFS (

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