Monday, January 17, 2011

Forecast: 26.2 miles with a chance of SNOW

Rigors of Winter Running
Talking about the weather is an easy conversation starter because it affects us all, and when the National Weather Service posts any type of alert for a Warning or Watch…then that is all anyone talks about---especially those in line at Stop and Shop with a shopping cart (but probably two) full of water and candles!  Last week, most of us saw something like this printed to the front-page of a metro paper or flash across the television (ALL DAY LONG!):
Blizzard Warning:  when winds that are at least 35 mph or greater, blowing snow that will frequently reduce visibility to a quarter-mile or less for at least three hours, and dangerous wind chills are expected in the warning area.
Oh and let’s not forget to mention--close to two feet in accumulations of snow? 
Faneuil Hall 1/12/2011
Unlike most of my Facebook Friend population, I DO NOT get “snow days” –not just from work, but from training for the marathon.  The Boston Marathon is a “rain or shine (or snow)” event, and we have to prepare for whatever the conditions may be.  Do you know of place (outside) where you can confidently predict a temperature of 65 degrees with winds coming from the East at 1mph on April 18, 2011?  A place where maybe you have an arrow button to increase or decrease (perfectly) the elevation of the roads throughout a 26.2 mile course?  I can confidently predict your answer was “NO”!  This is my number one argument to why it is not realistic (AND SAFE) to prepare for Boston on just treadmill training. 
I hear we are in for more powder this week, but that won’t stop me.  Just going to put on extra layer of something made of Lycra, Luon, “CoolMax”, etc., hope that the wind is at my back, and head out to my usual well-lit training route with one foot in front of the other!  Whether I wake up that Monday in April and the sun is expected to peak throughout the day keeping temperatures comfortably in the 50’s with no rain in site OR the sun never comes out and I don’t make it past Ashland dry because of the wet clouds hovering over Hopkinton---I will be prepared.  This TOOL helps me decide what to wear when I am really unsure! 
The next time a person mentions another “bad storm coming our way”, just know that Liz Nuzzo is out training for whatever condition Mother Nature has in store for us on April 18th, 2011…the show must go on!
Please pass on my fundraising LINK to anyone that can help!  Would love to see MORE donations than we see SNOW!

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