Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Like in the card game (my favorite!), getting SET BACK in marathon training is discouraging!  Unfortunately, I have been hit with a few gloomy SETBACKS over the past few weeks.  Within the first few weeks my usual knee pain occurred—first in my left and because I tried to compensate with my stronger side for a few miles, my right knee became angry.  With the aid of my new super sweet CW-X Insulator Expert Tights (WITH PINK TRIM!), I successfully progressed forward. 

I hit pavement for the most of the week before Christmas, but rapidly hit a few more bumps that SET me BACK again.  This time of the year can be challenging for training because of time—or lack of time!  Work Holiday Parties, JPs “End of Final Exams” Celebration(s), Grab Bag get-together with friends (in CONN.), Family Time (probably playing SETBACK) and so many other fun festive activities took priority in my schedule over few weeks---as they should—and with a fun night, comes a sluggish and late morning (ok! Afternoon).   Forget putting on running tights (not even my sweet compression pants), along with my sneakers, they were substituted with UGGS and sweats! 

There is a serious price to pay for hooting with the owls instead of souring with the eagles…a fragile (and angry) immune system!  Luckily (hahaha!), I had to use up my 7 remaining PTO days before the end of the year and was looking forward to my last day of work in 2010 on the 22nd.  While I had intentions to use these days for last minute shopping, relaxing on the couch, fun day trips with my husband and dog, and catching up on training (from SETBACKs One and TWO)---Alternatively, my family members received gift cards (SORRY!), I slept ALOT (with the help of nighttime cough syrup), I got JP sick (SORRY again!), Paisley got “fixed”, and then 24” of snow fell on Boston!
The past three weeks of my training… SETBACK!

Anytime you suffer a SETBACK, put your head down and plow ahead.”-Les Brown

I am doing just that!  After a few intense spin classes and a late night, snowy and COLD five-miler along the river this week…I am looking forward to plowing through my first long run in 2011 (10 or 12 miles)!  With all of my recent LOW cards dealt, I am overdue for points on HIGH, JACK and GAME...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

"You have to forget your last marathon before you try another. Your mind can't know what's coming."

Ok, I know!  It took me a lot longer to get started with all things marathon—training, fundraising, blogging, emailing, stretching, eating, sleeping, running etc.- but I already have a few supporters that already have faith in in me, so no backing out now!?
I was going through my emails from 2008/2009 trying to recall -When did I start training? When did I begin fundraising? Bad news-I am already 2 months behind!!!  Many of you may be thinking, “Well Liz, you already did it, so you know what to expect”.  Yes, but this makes it much extra challenging-especially having to raise over $2,000 more than 2009’s requirement of $3,200! 
Either way, I have made the commitment and will try my best to meet and exceed my goals.  While it would be great to run away from this experience with a marathon PR (Personal Record), my main goal is finding the TIME to train properly and successfully raise 5K (or more), so I can cross the finish line with an injury-free SMILE! 
Before I could get in full swing, SHOPPING had to happen (oh darn!!): sneakers, winter running clothes, protein powders, and more to come!!! It had been well over 6 months since I had purchased new sneakers-to prevent injury, it is suggested you buy a new pair after every 250-300 miles of running.  To give you an idea of how many miles I cover, I will probably buy 3 pairs of sneakers based on my plan:

As you can see, I am pretty booked for the next 5 months. I am hoping to use this blog site as a way to keep you all updated on my thoughts, progress, and much more as I pound pavement toward the finish line on Boylston Street on April 18, 2011.  Please feel free to leave thoughts or comments of encouragement and motivation, because it is ALL OF YOU that will carry me one step (or 26.2 miles of steps) closer to my goal!

***Please do share this site and all related links with any other potential supporters***