From today's Runner's World Article:
Happy birthday, David Letterman!
Yes, the late-night funnyman/master of irony/former Indiana weather man turns 64 years young today. Which has absolutely nothing to do with running, until you remember that one night back in November 2009, Dave's Top Ten list was titled "Top Ten Thoughts That Go Through Your Mind When Running The New York City Marathon" and was presented by none other than Meb Keflezighi, who had just won the racein question.
For my money, it's one of the funniest Top Ten lists in recent memory, not least because of Meb's obvious delight and endearingly awkward delivery.
Here it is:

In honor of Mr. Letterman and his crack team of writers — and with the Boston Marathon nearly upon us — I thought it'd be fun to brainstorm our own list, titled "Top Ten Thoughts That Go Through Your Mind When Running the Boston Marathon."
I'll start:
10. "Huh. There must be something very interesting behind those trees, because some guys interrupted their race to go stare at it."
Your turn…
  1. LoriWV says:
    9. That gel on the tongue depressor didn't seem to be a flavor that I recognize.
  2. Not a Sprinter says:
    8. Are we there yet?
  3. rfbretagne says:
    7. How bout this Boston traffic!
  4. bcayley says:
    Why is that marathoner who keeps stopping to take pictures… still AHEAD of me!?!?!
  5. jeffjt573 says:
    7. Wow! I'm tired… I probably should have waited until after I finished the race to get that Boston tattoo.
  6. dcuvabeach says:
    At Mile 22 you say to yourself, I spent how much time and money to do this *%!*$%<! Race?!
  7. lolorunner says:
  8. See Hillary Run says:
    #6 I can make it to the next lamp post. [upon reaching the lamp post]. I can make it to the NEXT lamp post.
  9. LoriWV says:
    No matter what, Mark Remy's race photos will be worse than mine!
  10. JustSayGo says:
    Never accept a free haircut!
  11. atinklenberg says:
    These hills ah wicked hahd.
  12. birdsell says:
    Has the Red Sox game started yet?
  13. tifers says:
    Please pigeon don't poop on me, poop on… yeah that guy! Good pigeon!
  14. xophrame says:
    Are the Wellesley girls screaming AT me or FOR me? (Do I smell THAT bad)
  15. mgw4jc says:
    Well, since my baby left me,
    I found a new place to dwell.
    It's down at the end of Lonely Street
    At Heartbreak Hill.
  16. coffeeontherun says:
    I wonder if I can just finish the race here with the Wellsley Girls?
    "How you doin?"
  17. kirdavrob says:
    This Parade Sucks
  18. jrrichar says:
    Wait this isn't a loop course?
  19. who'd a thunk it says:
    pie pie pie pie
    pie pie pie pie
    blueberry raspberry pumpkin apple
    wash it all down with a DIET snapple
    pie pie pie pie
    pie pie pie pie
    or even a pizza will make me cheer
    wash that one down with a nice cold BEER
    pie pie pie pie
    pie pie pie pie…
    Just TRY to keep that one out of your head now
  20. who'd a thunk it says:
    They're coming to take me away hee hee haa haa
    To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time….
  21. Runner0219 says:
    Did you see how expensive gas is at Citgo?
  22. BKWIK says:
    Is that Kevin Youkilis being run out of town?
  23. Suman says:
  24. zombie kid says:
    1) This is Bean Town so I'm expecting a lot of Fartleking.
  25. vkuzma says:
    Wait, those weren't the Wellesley chicks?
  26. mshegart says:
    Wow, am I really going that slowly that I'm just passing a runner wearing a tutu at mile 22?!?
  27. gettinfaster says:
    This seems like a long 2.62 miles!
  28. bcayley says:
    Then there is always: "Running AWAY from those who qualified but did NOT get to enter"…
  29. JDPuma23 says:
    Keep moving, keep moving… that's why I wore all my Yankees gear in this race!
  30. JDPuma23 says:
    Who's dumb enough to run a marathon on a monday?! Oh yeah, me…
  31. robschelp says:
    Damn I forgot to file my taxes. Is there a post office along the route?
  32. hairgrrl says:
    The next person to say "You're almost there!" gets an armpit to the face.
  33. steeplechase87 says:
    Owwww………it's happening…………………my nipples!